The financial maze: student edition.
As a third-year student at the University of Edinburgh, navigating the balance of academia with the importance of meeting new people and exploring a new place has been something that has often felt like a juggling act, not to mention the whirlwind of finances! University is a rollercoaster of emotions- excitement for the future coupled with the stress of stretching every penny.
However, it is the ‘wake-up call’ that I, and many of my friends needed in terms of learning about balancing lifestyle and finances. I have always tried to be savvy with whatever money I had, whether it be through selling old clothes, working as a nannie in my school holidays, or selling my knitted items with Bizboz Knits, and with this, I was lucky to have some savings that I started University with. However, what school doesn’t teach you, is that University throws in many more financial complexities than you are prepared for…
Catching up with friends and meeting new people comes with going to cafes, pubs, bars, clubs and more which is of course lots of fun and great for making memories.
However, when you wake up the next day with £15 less in your bank account saving for the future is the last thing on your mind. Nonetheless, whilst saving as a student is not always easy, it is doable with a mindset shift and dedication.

Remembering back to fresher’s week, it was a time of excitement and nerves, meeting new friends and catching up with old ones and getting a taste of the social scene of this new chapter. Finances where not at the forefront of my mind, and whilst I was sensible on my spending, socialising was my primary mission, which is important when you are starting in a new space.
The most important bit of saving advice that I was given is that saving is not about missing out, it is about making smart choices.
It is about finding the balance where you can still enjoy the social scene without emptying your bank account. With the inclusion of the new financial elements, such as rent, bills, your weekly food shop, everyday essentials, and course books, I find that it is the small things that count when it comes to saving, such as walking to campus, setting a weekly allowance on your food shop, or collaborating on living expenses with my flat mates.
This is why I am going to utilise the cashback available through Kaldi on my weekly shop as well as my social life in pubs and the occasional ‘treat yourself’ trip to a restaurant.
The simplicity of paying with Kaldi is what makes it so appealing to me from a student point of view, as I can start making extra savings without having to change what I am doing already!
Although it is not always easy, I have so far learnt that University is the best time to learn to save for yourself. Although balancing academic pressures, social life, and finances can be a tightrope walk at times, it’s when you’re at the cusp of freedom into adulthood, so therefore a time that allows for mistakes along the way.
I for one cannot wait to start using Kaldi on my everyday spending to see the savings that I can build up and put in investments, without having to think about it!
This will not only allow me to carry on focusing on my university life, but also teach me fundamental lessons on saving and investing that have been missed at school.
Read another gem 💎
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Whilst we want to start an open and honest conversation about money, it’s important to note that none of the content on our website should be construed as personal financial advice.
These posts and opinions belong to the authors, and any data or facts will be provided along with the relevant sources. They may not represent the views expressed by Kaldi or the industry.
financial help
There are places where you can go to get support. With trained financial experts available 24/7. Checkout some of the services below if you seek further help with your financial problems: